Aloha Blogs

A state or country?

A quick history lesson to those from the U.S. that think they need to bring their passports to visit Hawaii. In xxxx, Hawaii became the 50th and last state to join the U.S. Yes, we can vote for the U.S. elections, just like you, if you are a registered voter.

Nam sollicitudin, dui nec tincidunt accumsan, purus nulla viverra diam, ullamcorper malesuada lectus arcu id massa. Praesent consectetur nulla blandit magna pulvinar, vitae volutpat eros feugiat. Suspendisse egestas risus in elementum faucibus. Proin vitae porta quam, sit amet eleifend magna. Phasellus eu placerat mi. Aenean tempor dapibus varius. Fusce auctor vel leo eu ullamcorper. In posuere, quam nec adipiscing blandit, tortor mi consequat nisi, at faucibus leo arcu ut est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

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