Aloha Blogs


sleeping on a benchWith the warm tropical climate, there is an increasing number of homelessness. Some of the homeless prefer to be free and chose this path, however there are quite a bit of them that do not have this choice. According to Movoto, Hawaii has the third  largest homeless population per capita in the country. This is an estimated 487 out of every 100,000 residences are homeless. Unfortunately, this population has increased by 61 percent, or write that it continues to increase.

sleeping in waikiki

Maecenas at condimentum tellus. Donec viverra sapien nulla, eu imperdiet urna pellentesque sed. Vestibulum vel leo fermentum, lacinia risus vel, vulputate neque. Nulla ac bibendum leo. Maecenas quis pellentesque dui. Praesent elementum dolor quis arcu commodo viverra. Mauris cursus porttitor libero eu condimentum. Mauris viverra ultricies leo eu volutpat. In placerat est urna, in tempor erat rutrum eget. Ut fringilla sodales leo, in pretium urna tempus sit amet. Morbi a ligula convallis, bibendum neque at, viverra eros. Quisque pulvinar gravida nisi vitae suscipit.

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